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Get the ultimate virtual workout program.

Welcome to the future of onDemand fitness.


Profits Your Company…

and Everyone in it

Virtual Gym Created for Commercial Spaces

Health Clubs

Fitness Studios

Schools & Universities
Planned Communities

On Average, Employers Save:.


Per Year, Per Participant

On Average, Employers Save:.


Per Year


All-In-One Subscription

  • Unlock the entire Studio SWEAT onDemand library including exclusive Premium Membership and Choice Partner Plan

  • Premium Membership: Includes customized weekly workout plans, early access to our hottest new releases, nutrition tips, and tons of exclusive perks!

  • Choice Partner Content: Access a library of bonus content, including scenic runs and rides, calming mindful meditations, and more!

Add Your Custom VOD

  • Include your own video ondemand classes alongside the Studio SWEAT onDemand library

  • Customized VODs ensures members to stay motivated and committed.

No shame, just sweat!

According to a recent study, many Americans feel threatened and intimidated by gyms, and as a result, avoid working out entirely. With Sweat Pro, you can give your members the flexibility to work out whenever they want, in an environment where they can feel comfortable.

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Watch this quick 2-minute video to see how Sweat Pro will ignite your fitness journey!

Find out how we can help you build a stronger organization.

Schedule a Demo Today!

Find out how we can help you build a stronger organization. Schedule a Demo Today!

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Copyright © Studio Sweat onDemand 2024