28-DAY Next Level Program Longevity Through Nutrition & Fitness Habits FAQs

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What does the Challenge Include?

  • 3-4 Different SSoD Strength Workouts, 2-3 Cardio- Bootcamp-Spin options, and 1-2 Recovery Mind Body classes (that’s up to 7 videos each week!)
  • Private Facebook group for challenge members only.
  • One weekly Q & A and Program Topic related Zoom to answer all your challenge and fitness-related questions.
  • One Weekly Live workout with NLP Coach.

When does the 28-Day Challenge begin and end?

The challenge starts on August 5th and ends on September 1st.

When will I get access to the Weekly Workout Videos?

Each Sunday (Starting August 4th) the 7 videos will be uploaded for you to stream on the Challenge Dashboard. The 7 videos will be up until the following Sunday when 7 new ones will replace them.

How do I know when to take each video?

The workout videos will be in the order we suggest you do, for example, if you start on Monday:

  • Monday: Workout 1
  • Tuesday: Workout 2
  • Wednesday: Workout 3
  • Thursday: Rest
  • Friday: Workout 4
  • Saturday: Workout 5
  • Sunday: Rest

If you have a different schedule to workout then do them on the days that work best for you. YOU DO NOT HAVE TO TAKE THE WORKOUTS IN THE ORDER GIVEN. It is what we suggest, as long as you get in your 4-5 workout days a week, they can be in whatever order works for you.

How do I play the videos?

You simply open up the Challenge Dashboard on any smart device and press play on the workout you want to do.

What if I can’t make a Zoom Call?

You simply open up the Challenge Dashboard or your Facebook Group and find the recording you missed and replay or read the PDF Summary.

Are there any safety concerns?

You should always be in good health or consult your physician before beginning an exercise program. Also, consider the flooring and space where you are working out.  Move any objects that can get in your way as you move your muscles.  Finally, proper athletic or dance footwear and hydration are also important. The SSoD Vlogs have lots of great info on both!

More Questions?
Email jessn@studiosweat.com