Simple question for ya: what’s the best part of working out alone? Answer: …oh, we were hoping you could tell us. Look, it’s not that we’re against going all Rocky IV in the Siberia of your mother-in-law’s basement, but sometimes, it’s kind of nice having someone else around. The inspiration, imagination, and motivation of having a fitness friend can do wonders for your workout experience. Not only that, you can also reach your goals faster, and maybe, just maybe, with a smile on your face.
Whether you’re still working out at home, or are one of the 10%ers making your way back into the brick and mortar gyms, we’re taking you through the beautiful benefits of having a workout buddy!
All About Accountability
Anybody can get a spurt of energy, and anybody can have a good week. But if you’re looking for real success — you’re gonna need real commitment. And that’s the great thing about a workout buddy. It’s amazing what that little disapproving glance, or even the fear of experiencing said glance, can do to keep you honest. Chances are, when you set a regular exercise schedule with a friend, you’ll be more likely to make it to all those workouts. So find a workout buddy, and get in-it-to-win-it!
Motivation from Your Mates
Ever have one of those non-starter kinds of days — just unending blaahs and yawns and ughhs and nopes? We all do. Another great benefit of a workout buddy, especially a friendly one who’s got your interests at heart, is that they’ll pick you up, dust you off, and get you moving again. And when the tables turn, you can do the same for them!

Get Yourself Connected
It can be tough to maintain those relationships you had when you were a kid. People pair off, start families, and get buried under mountains of paperwork. Even organizing a happy hour can seem like a chore. But when you partner-up-to-pump-up with your friends and loved ones, you can get in some amazing quality time, all while getting fit!
Friendly (or Unfriendly) Competition
Admit it: although you pride yourself on being as centered as a lotus flower floating on the Ganges, you’ve got a little competition in you. Just that little barely audible inner voice that occasionally shouts Win Win Win! Don’t be ashamed, just use it to your advantage! Whether you’re working out in-person or at-home virtually, you and your workout buddy can try a little friendly competition from time to time. Most reps, longest on the cycle, most impressive plank — whatever you want. Turning your workout into a competitive game will push you harder than you thought possible. So even if you lose, you actually win (win! win!).
Ideas from an Unexpected Place
Our bodies loooooove routine, mostly because when you get good at something, it becomes easier. And easy is the cousin of stagnation. We need to challenge ourselves, think differently, and push ourselves with random surprises! When you’re busting through a buddy workout, your fellow sweater might suggest trying a different exercise that you never would have thought of. Your muscles might not dig it at first, but it’ll pay off in the end. But what if you both need a little inspiration? Easy. At Studio SWEAT onDemand, we’ve crafted a whole host of specially designed partner workouts to give you all the ideas you need!
Your Own Personal Spotter (In-Person Only)
One of the most useful benefits of having a workout buddy is during strength training. Not only will a good spotter push you to put up those extra reps (the ones that actually build muscle), they can save you from potential injury. And if they give you some extra motivation verbally, well that’s just (avocado-based) icing on the (apple-sauce-instead-of-oil) cake. Now of course, you can’t really spot someone if you’re working out remotely, although you can still be their motivation as you work out together.
No Buddy? No Problem, Buddy.
Now what happens when you don’t happen to have a workout partner nearby, or even online? Easy, just go virtual! At Studio SWEAT onDemand, our worldwide fit-family is always ready to lend a kind word, a helping hand, and a swift kick in the you-know-where. Our onDemand workouts deliver the feeling of being center stage in a heart-pumping group fitness class. So no matter where you are in the world, you’ll feel right at home with us. Want some proof? Sign up for a 7-Day Free Trial of our streaming workouts, and we’ll make a believer out of you!
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