At Studio SWEAT onDemand, we believe that Spin is always in! Not only do you get an incredible low-impact cardio workout that absolutely decimates calories, you also build lean muscles, improve joint and tendon health, and get the chance to get down with a whole group of people sweating it out right alongside you. That sense of camaraderie and teamwork is a major part of what fuels us, and cycling is one of the best ways to stay fit for the long run.
But sometimes it’s good to change it up, switch things around, and work muscles you never knew you had. That’s where Spin and Sculpt comes in. When you mix Spin and Sculpt, you get a delicious cocktail of all-around goodness your body will love. So let’s hop on our bikes, pick up those weights, and ride right into the benefits of a Spin Sculpt Fusion Workout.
Safety First
When you get into a strength training workout routine, injury prevention becomes a huge factor. And the more weight you lift, pull, press, or twist, the bigger the risk. When you’re working on those muscles, you have to be uber-careful to make sure you keep proper form and don’t hyperextend yourself. If you lift too much, too quickly, or not in the exact right way, you can be looking at rips, tears, and sometimes a whole lot worse. The beauty of Spin and Sculpt combined is that you’re dividing your workout between cardio and strength training, so that your muscles won’t get as fatigued as quickly, keeping you safe and sweaty.
Get Lean, Get Mean
Ever see those muscle-bound gym rats with one or two muscles way out of proportion? Giant upper body and spindly legs? Or tiny arms with soup-can biceps? Not with Spin and Sculpt! This is a total-body workout that hits everything (and we mean everything) for a long, lean, and toned look your body will swoon over.
Better Balance
Spin classes that offer upper-body weight training simultaneously are also pretty risky. When cycling, as in every other type of workout, form is key. But as we lift weights while riding, our bodies have a tendency to adjust themselves to support struggling muscles. And this means poor form and balance on the bike, which, you guessed it, can lead to nasty injuries. With a Spin Sculpt Fusion class, we make sure to take our workouts off the bike, so we can perform every exercise with a full range of motion.

Crush More Cals
We all know that cardio is an amazing way to get those endorphins flowing, that blood pumping, and your engines revving for that energy boost you need all day. But research has shown that cardio alone is not the best way to burn calories. Sure, you’ll fry those suckers while you’re on the bike, treadmill, or elliptical — but then what? Once you step off that cardio machine and back into the non-sweaty world, that basically stops. With strength training and muscle building, you’ll burn more calories throughout the day, even when you’re not working out. So how do you get the best of both worlds? Voila, Spin and Sculpt baby!
No Mo’ Monotony
As much as we love indoor cycling, we understand that for some people it can get a little monotonous. That’s why, at Studio SWEAT onDemand, we’re always thinking of new and fun ways to push ourselves on the bike. But with a Spin Sculpt Fusion class, you don’t need any imagination at all. One minute you’re on the bike, next minute you’re off, so you’ll never ever get bored. And with body sculpting, there aren’t really any rules. As long as you’re pushing yourself, you’re sculpting. So when it comes to variety, the sky’s the limit!
Home Is Where the Heat Is
One of the biggest benefits of a Spin Sculpt fusion class is that it’s a perfect workout to do from the comfort of your home. You don’t need any expensive, gargantuan, and let’s face it — ugly weight racks around you. All you need is a bike, a couple weights (maybe a TRX band or two), and you’re ready to go! And with our huge library of Spin Sculpt Fusion classes, taught by our roster of world-class trainers, you can get the total-body workout you’ve been dreaming of, right in your living room!
So if you’re looking to Spin, Sculpt, and Sweat your way to a fitter physique, sign up for our 7-Day Free Trial today, and let’s get started on that masterpiece.
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