Hamstrings. You know them, you love them, and after a good workout, long jog, or steep hill, you’re feeling them. These powerhouse muscles are the engines at the back of our legs, propelling us forward when we walk, run, jump, or Spin! Not only that, the strength of your hamstrings can make or break your posture, and keeping them in shape helps reduce the risk of injury.
But our hammys are also some of the most vulnerable muscles, meaning they’re due for a good stretch after any workout. The key is to be slow and gentle, because if you push them too hard, they’ll push right back, resulting in serious pain. So, if you wanna try out some good hamstring stretches, read on!
Lying Hamstring Stretch
Often seen in yoga practice, this stretch takes the pressure off your abs and back. It may sound simple, and maybe even relaxing, but lying down puts all the focus on getting a super deep stretch. Your hamstrings will definitely be thanking you after this one!
How it’s done:
- Start by lying flat on the ground
- Grab the back of your right thigh
- Extend your leg as much as you can with your toes pointed to the ceiling
- Gently pull your leg towards you
- Repeat on your other leg
Standing Hamstring Stretch
The standing hamstring stretch is arguably the easiest way to loosen up those legs anytime, anywhere. Great for exercise experts and newbies alike, this move can be done between sets at the gym, after an intense Spin session, or even just at the end of a long day.
How it’s done:
- Start in a standing position
- Put your right heel out in front of you on top of a book or slightly raised surface
- Bend at the hip to bring your chest down towards your leg
- Hold onto a chair or a wall for extra support
- Repeat on your other leg

Hurdler Stretch
One side a little sorer than the other? This is pretty common if you tend to favor one leg during exercise. While it’s important to try and even out your form, here’s another yoga-inspired stretch that’ll give proper attention to those extra-tight spots.
How it’s done:
- Sit on the floor with your right leg straightened in front of you
- Bend your left leg so the sole of your foot is touching your right thigh
- Lean forward at the hips and extend your arms, reaching for your right foot
- Keep your back as straight as possible
- Repeat on your other leg
Tip: for a simpler version of this exercise to stretch both legs at once, simply straighten your legs out in front of you and bend forward at the waist, reaching towards your feet.
Toe Touch
A good ole toe touch is one of the most common ways to stretch out your legs, but there’s a lot more to this move than meets the eye. It’s all about form with this one, so make sure your hips are aligned over your feet so you don’t end up with legs more achy than when you started!
How it’s done:
- Start in a standing position with your feet hip-width apart
- Bend over at the hips and reach down towards your toes
- Try to stay relaxed and keep your hips aligned over your feet
- Straighten your legs as much as you can
Sitting Stretch with a Towel
Looking to get a little more advanced with your stretching routine? We’ve got your back (or leg, rather). This move requires a little equipment, but you can use a towel, T-shirt, belt, or anything else you’ve got laying around. Over-extending your leg or going too far with your stretch on this one can lead to injury, so proceed with caution.
How it’s done:
Start in a sitting position with both legs straight out in front of you
- Loop a towel, T-shirt, or resistance band around your right foot and hold one end in each hand
- Slightly pull the towel towards you to lift your leg
- Keep your right leg straight and your left leg touching the ground
- Repeat on your other leg
At Studio SWEAT onDemand, we’re all about delivering onDemand workouts that’ll push you to your limits, smash your goals, and definitely have you hankerin’ for a good stretch. With our 7-Day Free Trial, you’ll get access to the best streaming, virtual classes like Spin, TRX, HIIT, Yoga, Pilates, Bootcamp, and many more. So sign up now, your hamstrings will thank you.
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