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Spin class with no music - YOU choose 20 Min Cycle - You Pick the Playlist!

20 Min Cycle: You Pick the Playlist!

Equipment: Indoor Cycling Bike

What if you could partner up with an SSoD instructor and create a ride? This Spin class with no music is just that! We do the moves; YOU choose the beats. Whatever mood you’re in, grab your own playlist and ride!

This workout does not include a cool-down, but we have some great options here!

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I was interested to see how this works. A whole 20mins of Taylor Swift was a perfect ride to start the day. Love Mikes rides and the focus on riding and not jumping around.

Great class, used a spotify spinning playlist and it worked great! Congrats on the new teaching gig, your story made me smile and be grateful that there are empathetic and caring educators out there willing to listen as well as lead. Needed now more than ever….many thanks Mike…

I rode in silence, well except when Mr Mike was talking. I wanted to get a feel for the session before selecting music. Cat has an older class with her talking on the moves to make – sometimes silence is good to check-in with you. Great starter for picking the music.

Loved this silent ride. I rode without music to hear your stories and words as wisdom as well as listening to my own body. I’m just getting back to riding and you’re always my first choice. Congrats on your retirement and congrats to your new students! They’re lucky to have you! Another class well done, sir!

Mike loved this class and the freedom it gave me to choose my own music. First time I took this class I listened to Panic at the Disco the “Pray for the Wicked” album. Next time going to try some 80 rock.

Congratulations on your “retirement” – enjoy your time with the kids; they are blessed to have such a great teacher.

Great workout, as always. I have a workout playlist that I jumped around and depending on whether it was flat road and or hills. I loved being able to make the ride “my own” – I love to say I’m a fan of structure, but don’t tell me what to do. I always like to put my own spin on things. This totally fit the bill.

Shout out to Mike, from your presence on camera I can tell that you would be a great teacher! Glad you were able to retire from your “Day job “to follow your passion. Students are lucky to have you.

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It was perfect, Mike! The last 4 months have been insanely challenging – Hurricane Helene struck hard in southwestern Virginia. Record flooding, then work demands, a great vacation in October, animal rescue work, so I DID NOT MAKE TIME FOR ME.
Today, I wanted to get back to Studio Sweat. My first spin class since early September. Loved it. I picked a favorite artist – Sturgill Simpson – Johnny Blue Skies – Passage Du Desir (Americana genre with country rock, orchestral and bluegrass blends). FUN.
I will try this class again with another music mix or double it up as you suggested. Great idea to SSOD member, Andrew. Thank you.

Thank you Mike for this approach. I quickly picked holiday music this morning but planning on pairing with my favorite jazz by Rod Lucas of London’s Best Smooth Jazz. He is great! Merry Christmas and thanks again

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Woohoo think I had my first shout out 💕🤔 lush spin, for a quick lunchtime break from the world of mental health social work, so badly needed. I loved this new concept, I had some David Guetta and Post Malone playing, great beats. Thank you for this session, I can go get back into work feeling relaxed 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿🥰

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Mike, this is a great concept. I loved the class. I used a classic rock playlist that Cat has on Spotify called “Climb, Run , Fun Classic Rock. Thanks Cat! I think that next time I’ll try classical music. Curious why you stopped teaching since you obviously loved it so much and were so good at it.

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I loved this class. I didn’t have any music (only because I left my phone somewhere 🤷‍♀️). I think I will try it to show tunes. I used to love to run to show tunes, not for the beat, but they just make me smile. I love the idea of a jazz ride. It could be so dynamic, but I also love jazz so I’m biased. Thanks Mike!

An interesting concept for a ride, thanks to Andy for suggesting it. I had Maggie Rogers on in the background and Mike’s chat in the foreground. I may try it without next time, though I believe you fit this class to any music.

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This was fun! I liked it and would definitely go for a longer version. Really like picking music to match my mood or ability for the day. Picked a random ‘pop’ playlist thinking it was a different one. Next time I will pay better attention to my playlist grab. I see so much opportunity for variation in how hard or easy I can make the ride. However, I did have a great ride.

This was a grand experiment. I did this to silence and was a little befuddled at first but then got into it later. Next time I am gonna try this to Christmas music! Really enjoyed hearing your stories during the ride. Glad to hear you are back to where your heart is. Thank you for this intro class and look forward to the next step. And thank you for the shout out (yup, you pronounced it right….silent “H”)

Great idea! I was able to play Pandora and listen to you on IPhone. I plugged in 90’s hits which had BPM’s from the 60’s to the 100+. No play list just whatever came on.

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Thank you, Cat, Mike and SSoD in general. This brought back some memories of my old ‘spinning’ days… TV on, music playing and just riding, but with some structured instruction.

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Mike, you are simply lovely! How lucky are those kids to have you. I’m in a Swiftie kind of mood given that today is her last concert of the Tour, here in Vancouver, and no, I didn’t score tickets… but I discovered that I am a Swiftie fan despite being as ´old’ as you are, and rocked the ride while singing along! I love the option of choosing, thank you! Now off to soak up the Swifty vibes around town!

  • Class Type:
  • Trainer:
  • Date: December 8, 2024
  • Length: 22:59
  • SWEAT Scale:
  • 1-3 Sweat Drops:

    Low to Moderate Intensity
  • 4-5 Sweat Drops:

    Moderate to High Intensity

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