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body-weight workout video online 20 Min Towel & Tone Sculpt

20 Min Towel & Tone Sculpt

Equipment: No Special Equipment Needed!

Wanna carve muscle, burn some fat, and get it all done in just 20 minutes with only a towel? This class is for you! Mere W will lead you through 3 sets of hard-core sculpting drills where you’ll hit every major muscle group while keeping your heart rate elevated for the whole workout. No special equipment (except a towel) needed for this quick body-weight workout video where you WILL need that towel, not just to wipe up all the sweat, but as a prop for some of the moves too. This class is ready to challenge you at home, a hotel, your gym, or even at the park. And if you’re thinking, “It’s just a towel, how hard can it be?”, hit play and find out!

*Don’t forget to warm up! See below for warm-up options*

Warm-Up Option #1

Cat’s 12 Minute Warm Up Spin:

Warm-Up Option #2

20 Jumping jacks

20 Bodyweight Squats

20 Alternating forward lunges

20 arm circles- 10 large / 10 small

Repeat 2-4 times

Warm-Up Option #3

Set a timer for 30 seconds for 10 rounds

1. Jog in Place

2. Butt kickers

3. Squats

4. Mountain climbers

5. Push ups

Repeat twice for a total of 5 mins

  • Class Type:
  • Trainer:
  • Date: June 25, 2020
  • Length: 24:43
  • SWEAT Scale:
  • 1-3 Sweat Drops:

    Low to Moderate Intensity
  • 4-5 Sweat Drops:

    Moderate to High Intensity

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