Introduction to Boxercise Class with Carroll
Equipment: Boxing Bag / Boxing Gloves / Jump Rope / Medicine Ball
Our resident Professional Boxer/Coach, Carroll, developed his Boxercise Class with basic principles of Boxing in mind. This 35 minute class, with his wife Lila, leads you through introductory Boxing training: stretching, bag work, pad work, jump rope, and core work. Each round is 3 minutes long and there will be a “30 seconds left” bell to make sure you give it all you have! Get yourself pumped up with this introductory class, and we will have more advanced classes with Carroll as time goes on. Boxercise is great for hand/eye coordination, stability, and strength.
- Class Type: Body Sculpt / Killer Cardio
- Trainer: Carroll
- Date: March 6, 2023
- Length: 35:02
- SWEAT Scale:
1-3 Sweat Drops:
Low to Moderate Intensity
4-5 Sweat Drops:
Moderate to High Intensity
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