Pure lifting, pure strength, pure fun! This 60-minute online weight training workout will work all your major muscle groups with an emphasis on form. AJ sets you up for success at any fitness level, and this will be a great class to add to your weekly routine. (Pro tip: Test yourself the first time, and again after a month and check out your progress!) DON’T BE AFRAID TO GO HEAVY with your weights! How heavy is heavy? Your goal is to lift 8-10 reps to gain muscle, and 10-15 reps for muscle maintenance, so grab those heavy dumbbells and a medium as a backup. Let’s pump, Pump, PUMP IT UP!
Pull ahead of the well-toned crowd in this amazing 20 minute on-line pull workout, focusing entirely on strength-training PULL exercises – those where the muscles contract when weight is being pulled towards your body. Using heavy dumbbells and an optional resistance band (bonus: if you’ve got a pull-up bar, you’ll get to use it. Woot woot!), you’ll get lots of work on the back, biceps, shoulders, and legs (and even some pull exercises for abs), with the rest of those beautiful, toned muscles gettin’ some love as well. And the last set has a surprise included. Git it done!
*Don’t forget to warm up! See below for warm-up options*
Warm-Up Option #1
Cat’s 12 Minute Warm Up Spin: https://www.studiosweatondemand.com/classes/30-minute-spin-classes/12-minute-warm-spin-best-online-spin-classes/
Warm-Up Option #2
20 Jumping jacks
20 Bodyweight Squats
20 Alternating forward lunges
20 arm circles- 10 large / 10 small
Repeat 2-4 times
Warm-Up Option #3
Set a timer for 30 seconds for 10 rounds
1. Jog in Place
2. Butt kickers
3. Squats
4. Mountain climbers
5. Push ups
Repeat twice for a total of 5 mins
*Don’t forget to stretch!*
Check out Miriam’s 10 Minute Back and Upper-Body Stretch: https://www.studiosweatondemand.com/classes/stretch-restore-workouts/10-minute-back-upper-body-stretch/
Or choose another stretch session from our awesome selection of Stretch Classes: https://www.studiosweatondemand.com/classes/stretch-restore-workouts/
That backside is gonna be burnin’ in this killer in app Booty Barre class that focuses on firming up those glutes, toning the thighs, and carving that core. Just click plié to play!
Want a beautiful, portable barre to add to your home gym? Check out our preferred partner’s Booty Barre product. It’s AMAZING!!! BUY MY BOOTY BARRE