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When you lift heavy, or workout hard like Trainer AJ, you need to give your body a little gift for all that hard work. Dropping the intensity, but keeping your body moving, this 40-minute LISS (low-intensity) cycle workout is a great recovery reward. As an extra bonus, there’s an optional foam rolling and stretch sesh at the end. Press play…you’ve earned it!
When you go hard with your workouts all week long, it’s a good idea to give your body a break now and then. But we know how hard it can be to really skip a day, so this class is the best cycling recovery LISS workout. In it you’ll still burn some serious kCals, but you’ll also help your body heal by getting your blood flowing through those torched muscles. And… it’s also a great opportunity to work on your cycling technique, as Jess will guide you through some smooth (like butta!) transitions and light controlled pedal stroke motions, keeping it at low intensity (50-79% MHR) the entire hour. Skip the rest and let’s ride!
Studies have shown how impactful mindfulness can be after spiking the heart rate with a short, intense HIIT-style workout, because you’re focused and your receptors are wide-open so things you think about can really soak in. And, we all know the benefits that come with lower intensity Spinning – think healing. That’s why Cat thought to take a killer HIIT Cycle and pair it with a LISS (low-intensity steady-state) ride where she helps you connect mind and body. Think of it as Cycle-Therapy! Shall we begin our session?
Format: Long Warm-Up, 20 Min High-Intensity Intervals, 30 Min Lower-Intensity, Nice Long Stretch!
This holiday, be merry, be bright, be SWEATy and Strong! Sing along in this Christmas themed online spin class, filled with all your holiday cycling favorites: Climbs up steep peaks to work your legs, all-out sprints to get your heart pumping, and jumps to finish strong. And did we mention – all the songs you love to belt out just like all the best Christmas Music Divas!? As a special SSoD gift, just because we love ya, you’ll end the ride with a Christmas bliss 4-minute stretch. Before you start gift-wrapping, wrap your hands around your handlebars, and let’s ride!
As much as we like to crush a good workout, we also know that a good Low-Intensity Spinning Class is a really great thing for our bodies sometimes. That’s why Master Mike & Cool Cat joined up to take it down a notch in this LISS Cycling Ride. You can choose to do a 30-minute low-intensity steady-state ride with them, or the 60-minute version. Whatever your body or schedule prefers. Either way, you’re giving yourself a well-deserved gift. Let’s recover and ride!
Yes, age is relative, but as we age, we adjust. This LISS (low intensity steady state) Spinning class designed for the active older adult familiarizes experienced athletes with the changes that come with time, the adjustments that can off-set those, and the enjoyment one gets from working with nature – rather than fighting with her. It’s also a great recovery ride for any and everybody that may have recently blown out a hard ride. Let’s ride.
“I’m bored.” “This workout is taking too long.” Sound familiar? Is it you? 🙂
Perfect! You must build a mental base before you can build a riding base! This 90 minute Spinning class (with a 60 min option) includes everything you need to accommodate your mental base. Long, steady, consistent tempo riding (often known as LISS) will build the foundation of your future riding skills. Perfect health begins with a perfect base! This long indoor cycle video is your start to endurance!
This 25 minute Low Intensity Steady State (LISS) Spin Workout marries breath with movement. Focused on staying around 80% MHR, Trainer Brooke coaches you to focus on consistency, while maintaining breath control and mindful riding. This amazing Indoor Cycling Class is great for beginners and veteran Spinners alike.
You’ll work, sweat, and cross that finish line feeling strong and accomplished.
Core, calorie burn, and cycle! Yea! Come along for the ride as we train hard in this high-energy, east coast style 50 minute Spin Core class, filled with intervals, hills, and, of course, some calorie-torching sprints. Don’t forget about that core work in between, which is quick and effective, making you dig deep for more.
Time will fly by as Melissa’s contagious energy and fun beats distract you from the fact that you’re working your can off! And each pedal stroke and ab exercise will get you one step closer to feeling great and looking your best! Let’s SWEAT baby!
For almost all of you out there this class should be directly added to your favorites because at some point you’re going to want to find it easily.
This low-impact, low-intensity (LISS) Spin class is perfect for those:
-That classify their fitness level as low
-Beginner Spinners
-Those recovering from an Injury or Illness
-Anyone that needs to workout a sore body. Think recovery ride!
Press play to feel SO much better in 35 minutes than you feel right now.
More muscle means less fat. So let’s build that lean body mass in the legs, while melting fat off the entire body. That’s what happens in this short, but sweat (I mean sweet, no I mean SWEAT) express spin®. You’ll dig into hill after hill throughout the ride, but for fun at the end you’ll enjoy a little fast and furious flat road drafting, followed by a well earned leg and lower back stretch. Ahhh… SWEATy bliss.
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