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Spin® Sculpt- 9 Ways to Burn & Build! body sculpting exercises with free weights

Spin Sculpt: 9 Ways to Burn & Build!

Equipment: Dumbbells / Indoor Cycling Bike # of Dismounts: 1 Dismount Spots: End Only

To celebrate our 6th Anniversary, 8 of your favorite SSoD instructors, plus one special guest, show you 9 ways to burn fat AND 9 ways to build muscle! You’ll love the simple format where you ride for the first half of class, where every 3 minutes a new face takes the lead, and then you hit the floor for some more.

Once you grab your weights, get ready for some of the best body sculpting exercises out there. With the instructors transitioning every 3 minutes, the landscape is changing as quickly as your body. AMAZING! Variety is the spice of life after all. Cheers!

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