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Spin Sculpt April 1, 2016

Equipment: Dumbbells / Indoor Cycling Bike # of Dismounts: 4+ Dismount Spots: Multiple Throughout

Ya know what’s better than 1 Studio SWEAT Trainer leading a killer Spinning workout? A bunch of them leading it together! In this fat melting, body toning Spin Sculpt workout (which was created as a special release to celebrate the 4th Anniversary of SSoD!) Cat, Rebecca, Brian, Bethany, Mere W, and Master Mike bring the heat right to your living room.

After Rebecca gets you warmed up on the bike, you’re simply going to alternate between the bike and the floor all the way till it’s over and done! That’s right, you’ll climb a monster hill led by Bethany, then you’ll dismount to knock out some lunges and triceps, then you’ll mount back up for a fast flat with Master Mike before popping back off to get in some squats and shoulders, so on and so forth. It’s so fun, and so tough, and just so awesome. Enjoy the ride team. This one’s for you.

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