Welcome to my favorite workout of all time – I call it PRIME CLIMB… 2! The first Prime Climb workout was so wildly popular that I was compelled to bring you a sequel.
In this amazing 40 Minute Spin Class, we’re climbing with our legs timed to the beat of the music for pretty much 30 minutes straight. I know, I know, that sounds so hard, but that’s not how you should look at it. It’s an incredible accomplishment and you CAN do it.
In the first Prime Climb, we went from shorter, steeper hills, to longer, flatter hills. In this one we flip that – starting with longer, flatter hills, then ending with shorter, steeper grades. Life’s a climb, so let’s start trekking.
P.S. If you missed the Original Prime Climb, you can see it here. You don’t have to have taken it to excel on this ride, but do try it soon if you have not. And if you’re not an All Access Pass holder (why not btw), you can download the original Prime Climb here.
Do you ever feel as if life will not slow down and give you a break? This ride will help you cope with those moments. The idea is to teach you how to find your sweet spot. Ride too hard, you hit a wall. Ride too light, you’re spinning your wheels and getting no where.
So in this amazing Spin class, expect non-stop riding mixed with a variety of moves, providing you with a workout that proves that YOU can push on and brake for nothing.
Hills. We love to hate them. But, this is the ride that might just change your mindset, shifting it to a hill total lovefest! So, open the best Indoor Cycling app and click play on this Spin class with Steady Successions. What’s that mean, right? Well it means that with each gear you add, or each RPM you increase, you’ll feel it go from being hard, to harder, to the hardest. With the rest of the SSoD team, you’ll power your way to the top, moving in and out of the saddle and encountering rollers, steep switchbacks, steady climbs, and even the occasional fast “flat”. The result… you’ll produce some killer wattage (which equates to kCals crushed) with this one! Now get after it.
The energy in this Spin & Stretch class (which was taken live by tons of SSoDers around the world) is so amazing and fun.
It’s a tempo-driven ride, where you’ll love the feeling of your legs moving to the beat, the power of the climbs, and the challenge of the perfectly timed accelerations. So grab your water bottle and towel or two, because you’re going to need them.