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    Mixed Tape Spin & Sculpt

    Guess what?! Cat & Bethany just made you your very own Mixed Tape. We must really love you! It’s got rock, hip-hop, country, and pop – all in one fun mix! And, of course, we’re gonna make you sweat to it in this killer Spin and Sculpt combo workout where you alternate between the bike and the floor every 2 songs. So 2 on, then 2 off. Yee-haw, let’s hop to it, rock on, and pop it!

    P.S. you pick – use just the band, just the dumbbells, or some of each!

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    10 Years of SWEAT – Anniversary Ride Only

    Let’s celebrate 10 Years of SWEAT with a super fun forty-minute multi-trainer ride. Whether you’re looking for a beginner Spin class online or you’re a veteran rider, this is a great way for you to get to know several SSoD Trainers all in one action-packed cycling workout. Happy Anniversary SSoD… let’s ride!

    This workout does not include a stretch, but we have some great options here!

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    10 Years of SWEAT – Anniversary Spin Sculpt

    Get ready to experience 10 Years of SWEAT all in about 70 sweat-soaked minutes. It starts with a 40-minute variety ride with cameos from all your favorite Spin instructors, and then moves to the floor where you’ll lift weights, dance, do some pilates, yoga sculpt, and more! Such a great way to celebrate the 10 Year Anniversary of the best spin class app and the best team. Happy Anniversary SSoD… let’s sweat!

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    ‘And Then’ Spin + Sculpt

    This Spin class with a total body sculpt is gonna make you feel like you just absolutely crushed it. We’ll start with a calorie-torching cardio session on the bike, and then hit the floor for a quick strength series. And then, we’ll crush the core. And then, we’ll wrap it up with a well-deserved cool-down & stretch. And then… check it off, you’re done!

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    Bethany’s Super-Sets Sculpt

    No joke, you’ll need a good towel for this body-chiseling Super-Set Strength workout, and it has a twist – you’ll be working through 4 sets, each of which will get progressively shorter. Sounds easy, but trust me, this workout WILL challenge you! You’ll probably even be sore in places you didn’t even know existed the next day. Grab your weights and get at it!

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    Power Loads on Country Roads

    Based on the requests we get, y’all sure do love you some country tracks. Our resident cowgirl, Bethany, is answering the call with this 60-minute All Country Music Cycling. This isn’t just a Sunday cruise – you’re gonna need to give it all you’ve got because it’s gonna take a barrel full of power loads to get us up these hilly country roads! Expect buckets of sweat, some serious calorie burn, and maybe even the desire to sing along between breaths. Hop in the saddle, let’s ride!

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    20 Min All Out Cycle

    Be sure to warm up before you hit play on this high-effort indoor cycling workout because once you start, it’s all out, all the time! Everything in this workout is based on 100%: your effort, your cadence, and your attitude. And the positive and inspiring playlist will encourage you to dig down deep, reminding you that “You’ve got this!”. So get ready to give it ALL YOU GOT.

    *Don’t forget to warm up! See below for warm-up options*

    Warm-Up Option #1

    Cat’s 12 Minute Warm Up Spin: https://www.studiosweatondemand.com/classes/30-minute-spin-classes/12-minute-warm-spin-best-online-spin-classes/

    Warm-Up Option #2

    20 Jumping jacks

    20 Bodyweight Squats

    20 Alternating forward lunges

    20 arm circles- 10 large / 10 small

    Repeat 2-4 times

    Warm-Up Option #3

    Set a timer for 30 seconds for 10 rounds

    1. Jog in Place

    2. Butt kickers

    3. Squats

    4. Mountain climbers

    5. Push ups

    Repeat twice for a total of 5 mins

    *Don’t forget to stretch!*

    Check out Miriam’s 5 Minute Post-Workout Stretch: https://www.studiosweatondemand.com/classes/stretch-restore-workouts/post-spin-cycling-stretches-in-5-minutes-by-studio-sweat-ondemand/

    Or choose another stretch session from our awesome selection of Stretch Classes: https://www.studiosweatondemand.com/classes/stretch-restore-workouts/

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    Lucky 7 Cool-Down Stretch

    No need to hang a horseshoe, because you can make your own luck! And this cool-down stretch circuit will be one of your best tools for your good fortune. Monica (using TRX straps to assist) and Bethany (using no equipment) team up to lead you through 7 simple post-workout stretches you can follow while listening to some relaxing country tunes in the background. Let’s stretch it out y’all!

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    Throwback Tracks Cycle

    Turn up the volume on this throwback music-themed Spin video, where you’re pumping it out all to the beat of your fave retro tunes. Your lungs will get their cardio burn while you build lower body and core strength with some back-to-back hill-climbing drills, followed by some well-deserved endurance riding. After your 40-minute ride, if you’d like you can also join us on the floor with your band for a 20-minute rocking resistance band sculpt session. Hit play and crank it up!

    Format: 40 Min Cycle + an OPTIONAL 20 Min Resistance Band Sculpting session at the end

    *Don’t forget to stretch!*

    Check out Miriam’s 5 Minute Post-Workout Stretch: https://www.studiosweatondemand.com/classes/stretch-restore-workouts/post-spin-cycling-stretches-in-5-minutes-by-studio-sweat-ondemand/

    Or choose another stretch session from our awesome selection of Stretch Classes: https://www.studiosweatondemand.com/classes/stretch-restore-workouts/

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    9 Years. 11 Trainers. 1 Killer Ride.

    11 Trainers to Celebrate 9 Years in 1 Class. TONS of Fun. Buckets of SWEAT! Click play for this 90-minute long online Spinning class to feel more accomplished than EVER! Leggo.

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    Express Endurance Sweat

    This express workout is all about building your cardiovascular and muscle strength. The drills alternate between hill climbs and endurance rides, adding up to a 20-minute calorie-burning indoor cycle working every single minute. You’ll be in and out of the saddle, but if high-speed standing isn’t your jam, no worries – the standing speed never gets too fast or too long, so this is a great class for those who typically have to modify the standing. Time flies when you’re having this much fun, and by the end, you’ll really be livin’. Warm-up and get your move on!

    Format: This jumps right into the workout, so be sure to do your own warm-up and cool down (see suggestions below).

    *Don’t forget to warm up! See below for warm-up options*

    Warm-Up Option #1

    Cat’s 12 Minute Warm Up Spin: https://www.studiosweatondemand.com/classes/30-minute-spin-classes/12-minute-warm-spin-best-online-spin-classes/

    Warm-Up Option #2

    20 Jumping jacks

    20 Bodyweight Squats

    20 Alternating forward lunges

    20 arm circles- 10 large / 10 small

    Repeat 2-4 times

    Warm-Up Option #3

    Set a timer for 30 seconds for 10 rounds

    1. Jog in Place

    2. Butt kickers

    3. Squats

    4. Mountain climbers

    5. Push ups

    Repeat twice for a total of 5 mins

    *Don’t forget to stretch!*

    Check out Miriam’s 5 Minute Post-Workout Stretch: https://www.studiosweatondemand.com/classes/stretch-restore-workouts/post-spin-cycling-stretches-in-5-minutes-by-studio-sweat-ondemand/

    Or choose another stretch session from our awesome selection of Stretch Classes: https://www.studiosweatondemand.com/classes/stretch-restore-workouts/

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    Senior Sweat in the Park

    Whether you’re 9, 39, or 89, you’re bound to enjoy this low-intensity, senior friendly workout for active older adults with Bethany. Her pleasant, light-hearted personality shines through as she guides you through a series of exercises to improve balance and strength. This park workout on a bench can also become a living room workout on a couch. You set the stage, we’ll bring the sweat. Let’s shake a leg… literally. 🙂