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    Spin Pilates August 28, 2016

    Interval Hammerfest! This is the best spinning class because you get a reward at the end: Pilates! Spin Pilates, yes!

    First, you’ll be pushing your limits with structured intervals on the bike. The length of the interval will vary as will the commitment to the next gear. Keep in mind, if the commitment is 20 seconds, this gives you the option of pulling back a touch in 20 seconds time. Why!? Because I want you to GO GET IT! These intervals are what get you to your next level of fitness!

    Then comes your reward as promised; we will finish this class with a continuous flow of Pilates to strengthen your core and align that posture. Feel good fun.

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    Mat Pilates December 10, 2015

    This Studio SWEAT onDemand classic virtual mat pilates class guides you into a continuous flow of core strength and endurance as you move through flexion, extension, rotation, and stability exercises fluidly without breaks. Key in on all the cuing to perfect your pilates practice, and feel free to repeat this amazing mat pilates workout to learn more and more each session! It only gets better with each effort.

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    30 Minute Spin September 24, 2015

    Time to ride, rok-n-roll!! This awesome express workout is 30 solid minutes of nothing but the road up ahead. Strong and steady stroke flats closing the gap between you and the riders up ahead… finishing with an 8 minute long steep climb where the “terrain” brings you in and out of the saddle. Work your gearing for the RPMs and push to your limits, but stay in control. Let’s rock this!

    *Don’t forget to stretch!*

    Check out Miriam’s 5 Minute Post-Workout Stretch: https://www.studiosweatondemand.com/classes/stretch-restore-workouts/post-spin-cycling-stretches-in-5-minutes-by-studio-sweat-ondemand/

    Or choose another stretch session from our awesome selection of Stretch Classes: https://www.studiosweatondemand.com/classes/stretch-restore-workouts/

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    Spin Sculpt August 20, 2015

    Quick and aggressive 10s in today’s calorie torching fitness class. You’ll wanna get in the right gear immediately and push it to the limit by the end of your 10 on the bike. Training on the floor will keep rolling straight through so choose a medium and light set of dumbbells to do the 2 full body sculpting strength sets. You’ll finish with an aggressive 15 minute ride, then polish this awesome workout off with some ab flattening core exercises. Have fun!

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    30 Minute Spin June 28, 2015

    Expect to work just below your top end in this SpeedCycle workout. You’re looking at pieces that change in cadence, but remain just under your breaking point of intensity throughout this express Spinning® class. Gearing properly is everything here. Go the distance, being mindful the entire set that you don’t go over the edge of no return. This is NOT on/off intervals… AKA threshold training. This IS endurance… working just below that edge and holding on. My guess is it’s gonna be a little harder than you think, but you’ll love it.

    *Don’t forget to stretch!*

    Check out Miriam’s 5 Minute Post-Workout Stretch: https://www.studiosweatondemand.com/classes/stretch-restore-workouts/post-spin-cycling-stretches-in-5-minutes-by-studio-sweat-ondemand/

    Or choose another stretch session from our awesome selection of Stretch Classes: https://www.studiosweatondemand.com/classes/stretch-restore-workouts/

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    30 Minute Sculpt: Upper-Body Strength

    Are you a believer in the RIGHT TO BARE ARMS? Get it? BARE arms. Ha! OK, moving on. This killer express class is aimed at complete upper body definition. Not only do we hit all the bigger muscles of the back, chest and arms, we also focus on the smaller more fine muscles for that perfectly defined summer fit look.

    And what you’ll see Lisa is a pro at is tapping into core strength and stability WHILE she drills into building your upper body strength without bulking you up. So abs, you’re gonna get yours too! Get ready with what you consider medium to heavy dumbbells and please remember that the quicker you transition between each of the 30 second circuits the more you get out of this workout. Might as well charge the heart and keep the calories burning. Go get it!

    *Don’t forget to stretch!*

    Check out Miriam’s 5 Minute Post-Workout Stretch: https://www.studiosweatondemand.com/classes/stretch-restore-workouts/post-spin-cycling-stretches-in-5-minutes-by-studio-sweat-ondemand/;

    Or choose another stretch session from our awesome selection of Stretch Classes: https://www.studiosweatondemand.com/classes/stretch-restore-workouts/;

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    Spin Sculpt March 8, 2015

    Two phases of training are coming at you in this incredible hour. Lisa asks you to focus on pushing to your edge in both phases of training. To ride to your limit with each interval, being mindful that you will need to recover quickly for the next challenge. And when you’re looking at that 8 minute climb in and out of the saddle coming, she wants you to take a deep breath then charge it.

    You’ll be off the bike twice for a non-stop strength training circuit to work on strength and stability. When you’re there, challenge yourself to complete as many reps with precise form as you can during the 35 seconds.

    And listen to Lisa. She knows what she’s doing. She’s the real deal.

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    Spin Sculpt December 7, 2014

    Get ready to move people because in this killer full body strength AND cardio workout we focus on continuous movement. We’ll start with sweet bike drills, then hit the floor to fight gravity! We’ll work through a full body set two times without breaking. Check that off then for fun we hop back on the bike for a few more endurance drills. To wrap it up, guess what, we have a final set of strength training on the floor. Super fun format that makes the fat frying time fly by.

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    Spin Pilates October 26, 2014

    Begin with a steady, blood pumping flow of flat roads that then lead into seated and standing climbs where the leg muscles get fired up. The focus is on keeping the intensity continuous. Keeping with this idea of steady flow, we hit the mat where we lengthen and strengthen the entire body, zoning in on the core and postural muscles. You’ll feel accomplished, and just plain good after this one.

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    Mat Pilates: Tall, Trim and Tension Free

    A challenging, but feel good, Pilates flow to release tight muscles and strengthen the core. We take time to focus on the breathing as we work the spine through flexion, extension, rotation, lateral flexion and stability. All with a focus on realigning for strong posture and mid-section strength & stability. The side effect… flat abs. Nice.

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    30 Min Pilates Perfected

    Please… Breathe. In through the nose, out through pursed lips to be specific. Take the time to give your body some love with a little bit of “re-align that spine” time, where you get to work out the kinks from the daily grind and even the “hurts so good” Studio SWEAT workouts you love to take! Enjoy lengthening the entire body and strengthening your core along the way. You’ll feel your body thank you when you’re hitting it hard in your next class. Gotta love it.

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    Spin Pilates June 22, 2014

    Look for a continuous race pace with the 30 minute power ride that kicks off this amazing hour. You’ll be motivated to push your limits with accelerations past other ghost riders, steep climbs, and power moves to keep those ghost riders behind you. When the ride is over hit the breaks and bring it to the floor for some core carving, body lengthening Pilates, where the emphasis is on breathing to recover that oxygen you owe your body from that strong ride!