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    Fun Cardio Warm-up October 23, 2016

    Tired of the same ol’ warm-up on the bike or treadmill? Me too! So… we thought this would make life more fun! So get ready to get your heart and blood pumpin’ with this 13 minute workout warm-up with Michael and daughter, Briauna!

    Michael takes you through a fun, effective warm-up using just body weight exercises, a couple plyometrics, and some good ol’ jump roping. Who said skipping rope was just for kids right? Seriously though, this warm-up looks easy, but can bring you to a SWEAT. You might even be wondering if this was really “just” a warm-up. Ha!

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    Boxing Inspired Killer Cardio January 21, 2016

    “Rhythm is everything in boxing. Every move you make starts with your heart, and that’s in rhythm or you’re in trouble.” – Sugar Ray Robinson

    You won’t actually get into a boxing ring in this workout – but you will train like a boxer. And all you need to play is a jump rope. Shoot, if you don’t have a jump rope you can pretend you do too!

    Michael puts you through 9 heart-pumping 3-minute rounds packed with cardio charged jumping, punching, plyometrics, push-ups, sit-ups, and more. And the fun part is… like a boxer, you won’t know what’s coming next. Embrace not knowing. Thrive off of it. Crave the next move – and if you feel yourself slowing down, find that rhythm.

    Fights are won and lost when boxers get tired. Michael guides you to control and manage the fatigue you may feel so you can rise to the occasion and win. DING DING!

    *Don’t forget to stretch!*

    Check out Miriam’s 5 Minute Post-Workout Stretch: https://www.studiosweatondemand.com/classes/stretch-restore-workouts/post-spin-cycling-stretches-in-5-minutes-by-studio-sweat-ondemand/

    Or choose another stretch session from our awesome selection of Stretch Classes: https://www.studiosweatondemand.com/classes/stretch-restore-workouts/