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    30 Min Ride of Your Life

    What direction does your life journey follow? Is it a straight path, or does it move side to side, and through hills and valleys? This 30-Minute Indoor Cycling Class is just like typical life, going between hard times (heavy climbs), rushes (sprints), endurance stretches you just gotta get through, periods riddled with resistance, and thankfully some much needed breathers. The playlist, featuring songs that connect to directions like right/left and up/down, will guide you through this amazing, sweat-soaker of a journey. Hop on for the ride of your life!

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    12-Years of Sweat Anniversary Live Stream Replay

    Though the video quality is low, the energy is high in this super special replay of the 12-Year Anniversary Live Stream event. It’s a Spin + Sculpt workout led by a dozen of your favorite trainers on earth!! Enjoy fit fam. ❤️🙏

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    3-2-1 Go! (40 Min Spin)

    Bring your strength, determination, and grit to this amazingly Good 40 Minute Spin Class that dials in your mental focus, and really gets your heart pumpin’ and fat fryin’. Yael designed the workout with 5 blocks that each have 3 minutes of moderate to heavy effort, 2 minutes of hard work, and 1 minute of all you’ve got. Think hard, harder, and crazy hard. 3, 2, 1 Go!

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    9 Fat-Frying Palindrome Moves (60 Min Cycle)

    WHAT Moves?! Yes, that’s right…PALINDROME moves! You’ll follow a sequence of 9 torching, all terrain moves: A-B-C-D-E-D-C-B-A for 4 rounds! Each round will get progressively longer, but trust us, the time will fly by. Anyway, don’t panic! Those longer all-out bursts include recovery…you’ll need it! That sizzle you’ll hear is your fat frying – !WOW! By the end you’ll be using another palindrome, so hit play, crank up the volume, and let’s ride.

    This workout does not include a full cool-down and stretch, but we have some great options here!

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    Awesome Zone 2 Ride

    Looking for a guided warmup, a lower to moderate workout, or maybe an active recovery ride following a tough workout? Put this awesome Zone 2 Spin class straight into your favorites for situations just like that. This class can even be taken as an easy short session to get the blood flowing on your rest day. Today let’s ride smarter, not harder.