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    40 Min TRX Torch & Tone

    Hang up your TRX straps and get ready for a killer full-body muscle toning workout with Trainer Sam. In this more Advanced TRX workout you’ll move between a mixture of slow, controlled movements using the suspension trainer and higher intensity cardio moves, torching fat while gaining all-over strength. Strap in and let’s go!

    This workout does not include a warm-up or cool-down, but we have some great options here!

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    Timed Circuit Tone-Up

    What’s even better than a circuit workout? A full-body TRX circuit class that is designed to challenge you no matter what your TRX skill level! Structured with two timed circuits, you’ll build long, lean muscle tone, and incredible strength-endurance. After the head-to-toe circuit, Brooke rewards those that want to stay and play with a killer bonus TRX Ab & Core finisher. Let’s tone it up!

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    TRX Total Body Push & Pull Workout

    It’s no secret that one of our fave pieces of fitness equipment is the TRX strap. I mean they don’t take up much room, they’re light enough to pack, and they’re perfect for a full-body strength session. We also know that one of the best ways to structure a good strength workout is to break it into push and pull exercises. Because of that, SSoD Trainer, Sam, designed one of the absolute best TRX push-pull workouts! It begins with strong pull moves, then ends with powerful push exercises. Please also have a couple of dumbbells handy because Sam will have you use those off and on in this workout. Strap in and let’s push (and pull!) it to the limit!

    This workout does not include a cool-down, but we have some great options here!

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    TRX Effects

    This fast-paced full-body workout brings out two of our fave fit tools – TRX straps and our very own body. Why do we love ‘em? Both are easy to transport (bring your straps and this downloadable class to a tree in the forest if you like!), it is simple to adapt (based on your fitness level), and that TRX Effect – your whole body, especially that core, gets in on the work with every move. And this is one of the best TRX HIIT workouts online to really push yourself. You’ll get to work the straps from all angles and can really challenge yourself, knowing you’ll get an active-recovery bodyweight exercise in the line-up just when you need it most. So, hang up those straps and HIIT it!

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    30 Min TRX HIIT Training

    This high-intensity TRX workout might start with some basic movements, but hang on to your straps, because we’ll be turning up the intensity before you can even blink. You’ll do two rounds of intervals, with the time decreasing as the moves get more challenging (the first set will be 45 second bursts, dropping to 30 seconds for round two), combining to give you that full-body TRX muscle toning we all know and love. Be sure to have a towel nearby, because we’re keeping it in high gear and dripping ALL the sweat! Burn baby, burn!

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    TRX Cardio: Drive to 45… AGAIN!

    Well, you loved the original Drive to 45 TRX Workout so much that we brought you a sequel with the “Drive to 45… AGAIN!”. To make it doubly fun, we brought in Master TRX Trainer, Brooke, to team up with Brian to make it the Best TRX Full-Body Workout EVER. The 45-minute sweat-fest goes by super fast as you tackle 4 TRX and Body-Weight Exercise sets, hitting every major muscle group at least once.

    Before you hit play, commit to using your body to maximize your results by engaging your core, using perfect form, and testing the limits of what your body can do for you. K, click play now!

    *Don’t forget to stretch!*

    Check out Miriam’s 5 Minute Post-Workout Stretch: https://www.studiosweatondemand.com/classes/stretch-restore-workouts/post-spin-cycling-stretches-in-5-minutes-by-studio-sweat-ondemand/

    Or choose another stretch session from our awesome selection of Stretch Classes: https://www.studiosweatondemand.com/classes/stretch-restore-workouts/

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    TRX Total-Body Circuits

    Looking for an easy to follow TRX workout that combines cardio and strength training all in one? You found it! And all you need to tackle this 40 Min. TRX Total-Body Circuits Workout is that body and your TRX. You’ll go through 4 circuits that consist of 2 TRX moves and one body-weight move. To spice it up, you’ll throw in 2 minutes of functional cardio to finish each circuit up. Oh the fun! Lastly, you’ll reward your body with a nice cool down and stretch. So press play to let the the body sculpting and fat melting begin!

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    TRX in the Park

    Prepare your mind now because in this top outdoor TRX class, you’ll get a full body blast with heart-pumping, body-toning exercises in just 30 minutes. This class is a compilation of some of Trainer Brooke’s favorite TRX exercises that’ll leave you feeling strong and accomplished. It’s the perfect workout for the park, especially as we head into the warmer months, but it can also be done anywhere you have an anchor point, so you can totally do this one indoors too. Let’s have some fun and get it done!

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    TRX Cardio: Drive to 45!

    Are you ready to Drive to 45 with the best TRX Total Body class Beast Mode Brian’s ever taught!? I mean it combines the body sculpting benefits of TRX with major calorie-torching cardio for a fun, full body meltdown!

    We’ll focus on challenging every body part, with variations for most TRX exercises to increase or decrease the intensity level. That’s right, this is YOUR workout, and the beauty of TRX is that your body is your resistance tool. So crank that intensity up or down as wanted. Let’s do this.

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    TRX Progressive Circuits

    TRX Training is never more about the core than in this mid-section honing, full body toning TRX Core workout. Cat masterfully guides you through TRX exercises that strengthen the core while isolating another body part at the same time, like a tricep extension – yeah, done right that’s gonna require lots of core stabilization, you’ll see.

    Another thing that’s perfect about this TRX routine is that it’s a TRX Circuit format, where each exercise gets progressively challenging as the circuits advance. So, you have the option to stick with the exercise variation in circuit 1, or try an advanced version of the same exercise in round 2. That makes this the perfect TRX class for every fitness level. Hang ‘em up and let’s get to it!

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    TRX Sculpt: Body Carving Combos

    I can’t wait for you to tackle this killer 30 minute TRX workout video! Expect a full body workout, killer drills, and shaky muscles as Master TRX Trainer, Brooke, drives you through her favorite combo moves to keep that body moving and wanting more.

    This is also a workout where you don’t need equipment outside of your TRX Straps, and it’s a TRX class good for all fitness levels, whether you’re new to TRX or a seasoned pro. You won’t want to miss it, so click play and let’s do this!

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    30 Minute TRX: Basics

    Get a quick intro to TRX® Training as Cat begins by walking you through necessary terminology and the basics of TRX®. After that she leads you in a solid head to toe 30 minute core driven TRX® workout. Odds you’ll break a healthy sweat? G-U-D, good!