“So, let me get this straight Cat, you’re suggesting I strap my feet into a device suspended in mid-air, and then assume a push-up position, is that right?”, says the person with a glaring look of hesitation on their face as they attempt their first TRX class with Cat. “Yep, that’s what I’m suggesting! It’s an awesome way to flatten those abs,” chirps Cat like she just asked you to pass the salt.
Here’s the deal though… if you do them right, which almost everyone is capable of, TRX Core exercises most certainly will carve up that core, but if you don’t, you’ll find yourself assuming the role of pancake model. So, let’s find out what the trick is to tackling TRX core exercises, shall we?
In this 3 minute Trainer Tip Video, Studio SWEAT founder, Cat Kom, and her trusty sidekick, Bethany, are going to show you how where your feet and hands are relative to where your TRX straps are anchored can totally change how hard (or do-able) an exercise like a TRX crunch is. Cat says that people seem to get how to change their body angle to change the intensity of standing TRX exercises (TRX stands for Total-body Resistance eXercises), but they don’t know how to adjust properly when they are in the face-down position, which is often required for TRX Ab Exercises.
So watch this video to learn how you can make these TRX Core exercises easier or harder by simply adjusting where you place your hands on the floor!
Think STRONG… because you are.
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