Well friends, we know it’s been a tough one out there. The world seems to have spun upside down, there’s new and crazy updates every day, and many of us are stuck at home. But we’ve always been glass-half-full-maybe-even-more kind of people, and we wanna give you guys the silver lining to all these stormy clouds in the forecast. The fact is, if you are stuck inside, you can still get an amazing sweat on, with an at-home fitness plan!
What better way to make use of all that downtime than to do simple and effective fitness routines that’ll keep your spirits up, your energy boosted, and your immunity nice and strong. So with that in mind, let’s take a look at how to get fit at home, the SSoD way!
HIIT/Bodyweight Exercises
First off, let’s take a look at one surefire way to get sweating, that doesn’t actually require any equipment. HIIT, or High Intensity Interval Training, is a super fun, incredibly challenging way to get fit. And the best part, HIIT seems to have been made for bodyweight exercises. All you really need is a soft carpet or exercise mat and an at-home fitness plan. For a perfect HIIT/Bodyweight workout, check out our blog.
Man, do we love TRX. And because all you need to do TRX are some magical straps and somewhere to anchor them, it makes an ideal at-home workout. You can anchor your TRX straps from a door, a ceiling beam, even a tree branch in your backyard! The beauty of a good TRX sweat session is the versatility of exercises you can do with such a simple system. When you do set up your bands, why not try this simple TRX workout.

Indoor Cycling
Now, this one does require more of an investment, but trust us, it’s worth it. The good news is that you don’t have to drop thousands on a bike. Shop around – you’ll find there are lots of great options for every budget, and there’s nothing wrong with pre-owned purchasing!
When you get started Spinning® from the comfort of home, you will…not…stop. You’re not going to find a more efficient, low-impact, powerhouse of a calorie-melter than a good cycling workout.
Streaming Fitness Classes
To us, this is key. The absolute best way to work out from home is to sign up for a streaming fitness service, like, say, Studio SWEAT onDemand! With our enormous library of onDemand classes, best-in-the-biz instructors, and a wide variety of workouts, you can find exactly what you need to shred, scorch, and slay your fitness goals, right from your living room! And if you’re on the fence about virtual fitness, check out a 7-Day Free Trial.
Listen, we’re all in this together. Just because you’re stuck inside does not mean your fitness should suffer. In fact, it’s never been more important to turn your health, energy, and mood all the way to eleven. So come on, let’s hunker down…and burn it up!
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