We’re almost there, friends! The big 2-4 is coming up fast, and we’re ready for it. We’ve got our sparkliest New Year’s outfits picked out, our champagne fridges stocked, and our eyes set on the future. At Studio SWEAT onDemand (SSoD), we’ve built our reputation on looking forward — which is why we created the ultimate virtual fitness platform, many, many moons ago…and since then we’ve always worked hard to stay way ahead of the fitness curve.
So as we close out 2023, we’ve put together our list of the top five newest and most popular fitness trends that are coming our way in the new year. Read on for a glimpse into the (near) future!
Virtual Fitness Coaching
It’s been a known fact that if you’re looking for that extra edge with your health, fitness, and nutrition, you’ve gotta talk to the experts. But hiring personal trainers always seemed to exist in the realm of the bougiest, richy-richiest, hoity-toity snobs out there. But with the recent move towards online fitness, many nutritionists and dietitians, as well as exercise trainers, have followed suit, offering one-on-one personal coaching sessions. At SSoD, our Virtual Coaching Sessions have always been a hugely popular option our members seem to love.
Science Has Entered the Conversation
Although scientific discoveries and developments have always played a large role in the health and fitness industries, it seems like what was created in the lab has now burst into the cultural conversation in a big way. Testosterone, Human Growth Hormone, and Ozempic are all hugely popular drugs that promise noticeable physiological changes occurring in a fraction of the time (with a fraction of the work). But as always, there is no such thing as a free lunch, and these each come with their own drawbacks and side effects that could be potentially dangerous. But until a major problem is discovered, their growth will still be exponential.

Group Fitness Classes, Reimagined
When brick-and-mortar gyms and fitness studios were at the height of their powers, the group fitness class reigned supreme. But as many gyms have switched to hybrid fitness options, with both at-home and in-facility options for classes, a new type of workout has emerged: the fitness watch party. Similar to the online movie events that sprung up during the lockdowns of 2020, fitness watch parties allow for large groups of people to take the same virtual fitness classes, while cheering each other on. At Studio SWEAT onDemand, we call these Sweat Parties, and they’ve been a huge plus for our members. In the coming year, we expect the popularity of this feature to shoot upwards.
Another recent development that dropped in the fitness industry, a rather large bombshell actually, was that the way we were training our knees had been wrong all along. The commonly accepted rule was that one should never extend the knee past the foot – that was just a recipe for disastrous injury. But as the popular YouTube and social media influencer, the “Knees Over Toes Guy,” is making the rounds, more people than ever are taking this new training approach (which focuses squarely on building the knees up through targeted extensions) very seriously. This approach also includes lots of backwards walking and sled-pulling, too.
Corporate Fitness Has Arrived
Although corporate wellness programs have been here for a couple of years, they’re really beginning to take center stage at companies around the country. Because of the economic downturn, the competitive job market, and the increase of employees working from home, offering fitness as a fringe benefit has become a must for companies large and small. Our own corporate wellness program, the Sweat Force, is now utilized by organizations around the US, offering employees unlimited access to our library of virtual fitness classes, available on any device, and able to fit into any schedule.
Well we hope our list of five fitness trends to watch in 2024 serves you well. We hope you can use it to inspire your personal health and fitness path moving into the new year. And if you need some extra motivation, be sure to sign up for a 7-Day Free Trial with Studio SWEAT onDemand! We offer a huge library of virtual fitness classes, corporate fitness programs, a worldwide membership group of support, online training sessions — basically anything your little fitness heart desires. So sign up today, and let’s sweat our way into 2024, together!
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