As we nestle into November, it’s time to curl up by the fire, sip on some cocoa, and get ready to hibernate through the long winter ahead… Oh no wait, we’re actually planning on doing NONE of that. When
Latest Company News and Press Releases
Intuitive Eating Does Not Have a Day One

Let’s focus our intentions on Intuitive Eating and typically what it feels like to practice these skills. Unlike starting (or restarting) a diet, Intuitive Eating doesn’t have a “day one.” Fad diets are usually easiest to make perfect on that first

The Best 2-Minute DIY Protein Shake
Skip the pre-made chalk-flavored shake. This one is quick & tasty! You know that feeling after a killer workout: you’re sweaty, your muscles are shaking, and you’re probably starving! You need some nutrients and quick. So, do you… A. Run
Season’s Spinnings: The Holiday Gift Guide for Indoor Cyclists

Ah, the holidays are here again. Time to cuddle up by the fire, sip some warm eggnog, and… remember that you still need to buy like a thousand more gifts!!!! So you furiously open up multiple Amazon tabs on

Dealing with Diabetes
Amazing Insight, Inspiration & Tips From 11-Year Old, Unstoppable Charlie. November is National Diabetes Month, so to learn more, Cat Kom, founder of Studio SWEAT onDemand, asked guest Charlie to join her for a 10 minute chat. Charlie is an

How to Do a Glute Bridge Properly
Techniques & Modifications for the Best Exercise for the Butt that is NOT a Squat. We asked Master Trainer AJ, “What would you say is the best, most underrated strength training exercise?” She answered quickly, “The glute bridge (or glute raise).
Can’t Stop… Should Stop: Signs You’re Over-Exercising

At Studio SWEAT onDemand, it’s pretty much our job to be pushy: “just a few more reps”, “only a couple more hills”, or sometimes even, “don’t kid yourself, you’re not even close to being done!”. Yeah, the job of

Best Ways For Vegetarians To Get Enough Protein & Other Important Nutrients
with R.D. Miriam Jirari If you are, or are considering becoming, a vegetarian, you probably often wonder if and how you can get enough protein. What better way to answer that than with our own nutrition expert, R.D. Miriam Jirari,
Your Thanksgiving Calorie Burn Guide

Listen up, pilgrims! Turkey Day is just around the corner, and that means the annual caloric tsunami swallowing you whole, knocking you off your diet, and patting your head as the tryptophan kicks in. Welp, not this year! Because
Collagen Talk (October 2021 Focus on Food Article)

As you know I’m here to give you the real deal on whatever nutrition trends come. There’s some justification for the hype: Early research suggests that collagen consumption may do everything from improving joint pain and reducing wrinkles to
Sweat with Spirit! The Ultimate Trick or Treating Workout

Halloween is almost here! This means it’s time to spookify your house, carve up some pumpkins, and get your costumes ready (is there anybody out there who’s not dressing up as the cast of Squid Game this year?). You may
Bulk Me Up: Workout Tips to Put on Muscle Mass

Whenever we talk about exercise, there can sometimes be an unspoken (and sort of unhealthy) subtext going on. When we use phrases like ‘getting fit’ or ‘reaching goals’ or ‘burning it up’… to some people, thoughts like ‘losing weight’,
How COVID-19 Has Changed the Fitness Industry Forever (And Why That’s a Good Thing)

The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted so many aspects of our lives, from how we interact and socialize with one another, to the way we work and travel. It has completely decimated some industries, and launched others into the stratosphere. But
DIY Warm-Up and Cool-Down Options!

.. Every great workout begins with a proper warm-up and ends with a nice cool-down. Because we know a lot of you like to stack multiple workouts together we do not include warm-ups and cool-downs as part of some of
Introducing the SSoD Global Ambassadors!

At Studio SWEAT onDemand, we always pride ourselves on our passion and purpose. Morning, noon or night; weekend or weekday, at home or on the road — we’re always down to bust a move, burn it up, and break

Tips & Tricks on Working Out After Being Under the Weather
A hot topic we’re seeing many write to us about is related to getting back to working out after being sick. Can we (should we?) work out while recovering from an illness? Trainer Brian with Studio SWEAT onDemand is here

Are You Doing Your Back Fly Right?
Sadly, this exercise is often done incorrectly. Let’s change that! We all love that sexy back, and the best back exercise is the back (reverse) fly… when done correctly, of course. Cat Kom sees it done wrong quite often, so
How to Motivate Your Friends & Loved Ones to Exercise

When we think about our fitness, it’s important to see it for what it truly is — a lifelong journey. And like any journey, it’s gonna feature some bumps in the road, a fair amount of peaks and valleys,
Breaking the Ice: Why Stretching is Even More Important During Cold Months

Baby, it’s cold outside! (Ok, well not in SoCal just yet perhaps, but we can pretend can’t we? BBBRRRRR!) Now, you can ask anyone who knows us, or who’s taken our fierce ‘n’ fiery workouts before, and they’ll tell
Artificial Dyes and Children (September 2021 Focus on Food Article)

It absolutely bursts my bubble witnessing all these chemicals in our food supply. I hate it in fact. I know we are better than that. We are more than looking at the chemical colors and wanting to ingest it.