As anyone who lives with lower back pain will tell you, it is definitely no fun. Well, actually, it’ll probably sound a bit more like, ‘AAAAAAHHHHHH ….OOOOOOOO…. UGHHHHHH…… OOOWWWWWW!!!’ Lower back injuries are known to be some of the
As anyone who lives with lower back pain will tell you, it is definitely no fun. Well, actually, it’ll probably sound a bit more like, ‘AAAAAAHHHHHH ….OOOOOOOO…. UGHHHHHH…… OOOWWWWWW!!!’ Lower back injuries are known to be some of the
Fitness always seems to be in a constant state of flux, perhaps more than any other industry. Every new year brings with it the promise of a hot new exercise craze, a reimagining of an ancient workout technique that
When you set out on the path of health and wellness with virtual fitness classes, you’re in for a world of opportunity, positivity, and limitless potential. That is, however, if you take it seriously. We all have friends, family,
Believe it or not, it really matters where you put your hands. Whether you’re a rookie or a lifetime indoor cyclist, this trainer tip VLOG with Cat Kom and the Olganator is for you. We’re talking about “hand position” while
Tips on How to Create an Exercise Routine You Can Stick With. No matter our age, marital status, work, and family life, the one thing that seems to be universal, around the globe, is that we are all leading incredibly
As the summer slowly turns into fall (take your time, cold weather!), you’re probably gonna be using some of this time to get out there and enjoy those long, beautiful days the best way you know how — traveling!
Psst. Guess what. Fiber is a… wait for it… CARB!!! How dare I say that word, right? Yet another example that CARBS AREN’T BAD. I so hope you are getting this by now. Also, fiber is a nutrient. It’s
Quick question: Do you even condition, bro? No, we’re not asking if you spend your mornings lathering, rinsing, and repeating (which is really none of our business). What we’re actually talking about is conditioning training — a specific type
Ever hear that old saying, ‘youth is wasted on the young’? Yeah, it’s a bit snarky, but also a bit true — because while many of us were in our physical prime, we probably spent most of the time
Tips to Cope with Parenting a Teen – It ain’t easy, but it is worth it. Recently, Cat posted a picture with her 21-year-old son, commenting that the teen years are tough, but you eventually get back to that spot
Ok, so you’ve found a fitness routine that you can stick with, and in an attempt to hit your goals a bit faster, you’ve decided to up those numbers. So, every day you’re rowing the equivalent of the English
How to Change Your Exercise Routine As You Age How to exercise as we age is one of the top requests we receive when it comes to trainer tips. Of course we all hope to achieve old age, but we
I am an Intuitive Eating Counselor. I will always want you to listen to your body and try to give it what it’s asking for. Not your head, but your body. What does it tell you from moment to
You might want to sit down for this… No, we’re not about to tell you that JNCO jeans and frosted tips are back in style. We just think it’s nice to take a seat every now and again. And
Congratulations, mama-to-be! You’re about to embark on the journey of motherhood, experience the miracle of life, and discover the joys of… backaches, bloating, and baby weight. (We can almost hear your UGHHH from here.) But before you go hitting
For some of you, summer’s all about taking it easy, kickin’ back, sippin’ a lil’ sumpin’ sumpin’, and generally lazing the days away. And that’s all well and good, but all y’all can stop reading from here on in
Check out SSoD Trainer Talk #12 with Carolyn! These Trainer Talks are live-streamed to our Facebook Page, and we make it available here if you missed it. However, the benefit of joining us live is that you get to ask
Let’s go back to infancy and our taste buds. We have sweet receptors in the front area of our tongue, and breast milk is high in sugar (which is sweet!). So why wouldn’t we want sugar?! We were designed
With our home studio comfortably nestled in sunny San Diego, we know a thing or two about living the sweet life — and it ain’t hard when you’ve got gorgeous days the whole year round. But for those of
Is it how many calories you burned? NO, not necessarily! Let’s see why. Do any of these scenarios sound familiar? “Ugh, my heart rate monitor was glitchy today. It’s like this workout didn’t count.” “Hey, I’m going to stick around