You’re Not Alone. Watch This!!! High on the list of frequently asked questions Cat hears is, “How do I get rid of back pain when I’m doing ab exercises?”. If you’ve ever felt straining in your hip flexors or lower
You’re Not Alone. Watch This!!! High on the list of frequently asked questions Cat hears is, “How do I get rid of back pain when I’m doing ab exercises?”. If you’ve ever felt straining in your hip flexors or lower
At Studio SWEAT onDemand, we’re obsessed with Pilates. Like, really obsessed with it. Like so much so, that we can’t get out of bed without throwing in a couple Single Leg Circles, Bird-Dogs, and Shoulder Bridges. And can you really
The holidays always give us the warm-and-squishies — singing sweet nostalgic songs, feeling cool brisk air on our cheeks, and spending quality time with those we love. Unfortunately, they also give us the all-too-common bellyache that can come with holiday
Here is Your Step-by-Step Guide to Get There Safely. Ah, burpees – the exercise we all love to hate. But when you knock a set out, there’s nothing much more satisfying. So why the grumbling? Well, a full burpee is
3 Tips from Elli on how to increase your pedal speed, and do it right. If you’ve ever done an indoor cycling class, you’ve probably experienced some calorie-crushing standing (or “out of the saddle”) sprint drills. Studio SWEAT onDemand Trainer
Can you keep a secret??? Neither can we. Especially when it comes to one of our favorite fitness modalities ever — kettlebell training. And it’s easy to see why: is there a more versatile tool than the kettlebell? It’s literally
The holidays are here! Time to loosen those belts, break out the pumpkin pie and…become filled with regret for all the damage you caused to your calorie count, your fitness routine, and all the progress you’ve made this year. Not
Body Composition. A term you’ve likely read about, heard whispers around, and generally seen floating around fitness circles. It sounds fancy, sure. And believe us, it is pretty fancy. But at heart, it’s simply a very technical way of describing
Active Parents Have the Most Active Children – TRUTH! You can hardly spend a minute in the media these days without hearing about childhood obesity, excessive screen time, and social isolation. If you’re a parent, grandparent, or caregiver, you might
It’s the Hip Abduction, and We’ll Show You How to Do it Right! Want insider info on one of the best ways you can become a stronger cyclist, spinner, or runner? Teaser, it’s all in the hips. Cat Kom, founder
If you don’t mind, we’re gonna start with a little horn-tooting. At Studio SWEAT onDemand, we feel confident that we’ve pretty much cornered the onDemand fitness market — with our near-infinite library of virtual workouts, a worldwide community of passionate
Now just hold it right there. Ok, a little longer…a bit longer. Actually, you might wanna throw on an old Gilmore Girls episode because you’re gonna be here for a while. And while you’re waiting, you’re also about to get
Does it ever feel like your favorite Spin classes have spun themselves out? What once was a cauldron of emotion, now feels like going through the motions? You used to burn up your saddle, now you’re up the creek without
Look! Over in the weight room! It’s a bird! It’s a plane! It’s…Superset!!!!! It’s time we talked about the multi-stacked, back-to-back, get-your-gains-on-track beauty of a Superset. And we think it’s pretty fair to compare this strength training approach to the
Using Dumbbells While Riding an Indoor Cycling Bike Should you use dumbbells while on an indoor cycling bike? While the short answer is “maybe,” there is more to the topic. We want you to have all the information, so we’ve
Watch or read more with this Pro Trainer Tip from SSoD Trainer Sam! Have you ever been told by a trainer how to position your body for an exercise move and it just didn’t feel right? Or you look at
With the fall season just around the corner, many of us are returning to our normal, daily routines. After all, vacations are done, kids are back in school, and there’s just something about the Autumn season that makes us want
Over the past few years, we’ve all witnessed the rise of online fitness. And it’s easy to see why — the opportunity to get your exercise in from the comfort of your living room, without having to deal with traffic,
Of all the amazingly effective fitness tools out there, and there are a ton, our hearts always seem to land on the unassuming resistance band. Sure, there are seemingly more impressive fitness tools out there – equipment like the mighty
“But…but…you see…it’s not…it’s just that…I’m not sure if…maybe I just…tomorrow might be a bit more…right now isn’t the best…but…but…but…but”. Sound familiar? Sure it does. You’ve probably heard yourself starting sentences with similar words, followed by some of the most pitiful,