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You’re Not Alone. Watch This!!! High on the list of frequently asked questions Cat hears is, “How do I get rid of back pain when I’m doing ab exercises?”. If you’ve ever felt straining in your hip flexors or lower

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YOU CAN DO A BURPEE YT play button


Here is Your Step-by-Step Guide to Get There Safely. Ah, burpees – the exercise we all love to hate. But when you knock a set out, there’s nothing much more satisfying. So why the grumbling? Well, a full burpee is

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How to build endurance to sprint out of the saddle in Spin class!! YT play button

How to build endurance to sprint out of the saddle in Spin class!!

3 Tips from Elli on how to increase your pedal speed, and do it right. If you’ve ever done an indoor cycling class, you’ve probably experienced some calorie-crushing standing (or “out of the saddle”) sprint drills. Studio SWEAT onDemand Trainer

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How to Encourage Your Kids to Be Physically Active

How to Encourage Your Kids to Be Physically Active

Active Parents Have the Most Active Children – TRUTH! You can hardly spend a minute in the media these days without hearing about childhood obesity, excessive screen time, and social isolation. If you’re a parent, grandparent, or caregiver, you might

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The Best Exercise to Improve Your Running or Cycling trainer tip video

The Best Exercise to Improve Your Running or Cycling

It’s the Hip Abduction, and We’ll Show You How to Do it Right! Want insider info on one of the best ways you can become a stronger cyclist, spinner, or runner? Teaser, it’s all in the hips. Cat Kom, founder

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How to Use Supersets to Pump Up Your Gains

Image of Strong fit man performing a superset

Look! Over in the weight room! It’s a bird! It’s a plane! It’s…Superset!!!!!  It’s time we talked about the multi-stacked, back-to-back, get-your-gains-on-track beauty of a Superset. And we think it’s pretty fair to compare this strength training approach to the


Is it Safe to Use Weights in My Spin Class trainer tip video

Is it Safe to Use Weights in My Spin Class?

Using Dumbbells While Riding an Indoor Cycling Bike Should you use dumbbells while on an indoor cycling bike? While the short answer is “maybe,” there is more to the topic. We want you to have all the information, so we’ve

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Does How Your Body is Built Change How You Should Do a Squat & Other Popular Exercises trainer tip video

Does How Your Body is Built Change How You Should Do a Squat & Other Popular Exercises?

Watch or read more with this Pro Trainer Tip from SSoD Trainer Sam! Have you ever been told by a trainer how to position your body for an exercise move and it just didn’t feel right? Or you look at

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8 Common Exercise Excuses (And How to Eliminate Each One!)

Closeup of a person tying their shoes to start working out

“But…but…you see…it’s not…it’s just that…I’m not sure if…maybe I just…tomorrow might be a bit more…right now isn’t the best…but…but…but…but”. Sound familiar? Sure it does. You’ve probably heard yourself starting sentences with similar words, followed by some of the most pitiful,