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Best TRX Exercise to Tone the Butt & Build the Glutes vlog

Best TRX Exercise to Tone the Butt & Build the Glutes

It might not be what you think! Many of us, ladies especially, are looking to build and firm up our glutes, so Cat Kom is here to share her favorite TRX exercise to tighten and tone that booty. When we’re

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Important Muscles You’re Probably Ignoring

Fit young man stretching his adductor muscles outside

  If you’re on a rigorous strength training routine (or even a not-so-rigorous one), you’re probably well aware of the popularity contest/priority list of muscle groups that you like to focus on. Most guys go straight to the pecs, biceps,


Spun Out: Coming Down Off of the Peloton® Hysteria

Close up shot of peloton bike store

  Who could forget the undeniable juggernaut that was Peloton®? This company leapt from obscurity, boasting an exciting new ‘spin’ on home fitness, and featured spectacularly chiseled and well-lit instructors getting their pedaling about in a swanky NYC studio. They


5 Proven Tips to Help You Recover From a Back Injury Faster vlog

5 Proven Tips to Help You Recover From a Back Injury Faster

What to do, and what not to do to heal that back. We can all probably agree that back injuries are a major pain. SSoD Trainer Sam and her friend Caroline Jordan from Caroline Jordan Fitness have both had major

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4 of the Easiest Ways to Set Up Your TRX Straps at Home vlog

4 of the Easiest Ways to Set Up Your TRX Straps at Home

It’s way more simple than you might think!! Cat Kom and Brian LOVE their TRX workouts at home. But Cat hears a lot of people say, “Aw, I don’t have room for TRX.” Nah, we bet you do. Cat and

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The Ultimate 10K Training Plan for Beginners

Woman running alone along a bridge

  So…you wanna talk 10K? You’ve come to the right place. Whether you’ve just finished up your first 5K and are hungry for more, running to raise money for a special cause, or looking to kick off your running career


really good morning stretch routine vlog

Really Good Morning Stretch Routine

You Can (and Should) Do This Every Day! Ah, that first morning stretch…there’s nothing quite like it. Studio SWEAT onDemand Trainer AJ likes to sink even deeper into the morning stretch with what she likes to call “Morning Mobility Movements.”

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7 Things You're Probably Not Doing Right in Spin® Class

7 Things You’re Probably Not Doing Right in Spin Class

The odds are good that you’re doing at least one, if not all, of these things! Even veteran athletes develop bad habits, and we bet you’re probably doing some things wrong when you’re on that Spin bike. Hey, not everyone

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Tips on Finding the Perfect Personal Trainer

Young fit woman working out with a personal trainer

  Is your fitness routine feeling a little…meh? Do those marathon rowing sessions feel like you’re kick-boarding in a kiddie pool? Does your bench seem boring, your dumbbells feel dumb, and as for that stairclimber…let’s just say you’d rather take


Fast Food (August 2022 Focus on Food Article)

Mcdonald’s fast food restaurant, lit up at night

  I spoke with a patient recently who said “I literally can’t stop eating fast food.” When I asked what were the specific draws, she proclaimed: the convenience, the taste, the comfort, and the price.  Well, this makes sense! Those