How often should I get a physical & what do those lab numbers mean? Cat Kom & Angela Davies, Wellness Manager for Nuvasive Biotech, will tell you!
We’ve all taken a lab test or had blood drawn, but once we receive the lab results we have no idea what the numbers mean or if we should be concerned! Studio SWEAT onDemand’s Cat Kom has invited Angela Davies, Wellness Manager for Nuvasive, a San Diego based bio-tech company that works hard to offer amazing wellness benefits such as Studio SWEAT onDemand service for their employees, reveal what those results mean.
When looking for an accurate baseline analysis regarding your current health status, a great test to consider taking is the biometric health screening. This critical assessment measures various key health characteristics and identifies certain health conditions, as well as identifies those who would benefit from a new fitness, dietary or lifestyle plan.
A biometric screening includes five essential body measurements that include:
Waist Circumference: Females should aim for a 35 inch waist measurement while males should remain at 40 inches or less.
Blood Pressure: Normal blood pressure is 120/80 millimeters.
The top number labeled as systolic pressure, represents the peak pressure on the blood vessel while the lower number called diastolic pressure occurs when the heart relaxes between beats.
HDL: Women can go up to 85 milligrams while men shouldn’t reach more than 65, and cholesterol levels less than 35 are considered low.
The higher your HDL levels are, the lower chance you have of getting heart disease.
Triglycerides: A typical, healthy range includes numbers between 50-150 milligrams
Triglycerides carry fatty acids from fat cells to various parts of the body and is a major component of body fact that’s attributed to increased cardiovascular risk.
Glucose Level: A typical range for this blood test should stay between 50-99.
Anything above 99 can indicate pre-diabetes or other chronic conditions.
Be sure to fast and drink only water at least 8 hours before the test to receive the most accurate numbers.
If you score out of range on 3 or more of the sections, there’s a high chance you might be dealing with Metabolic Syndrome, which increases your risk of developing chronic medical conditions. If you get to this point, you need to take some action to bettering your health, and fast. Better yet, if you even get close (watch your ranges so you know) you can make a shift by bettering your diet and adding in exercise to be on the path to better health.
How often should you get a physical? Angela and most doctors recommend you get one every year! When consistently staying informed on your health status, you have a better chance of staying ahead of problems before they become too great and of improving your overall wellness. Knowledge is power! So, stay on top of your health and odds are you live a longer happier life!
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