Close your eyes, think back to your very first job. We bet the image puts a huge smile on your face. Which is ironic, because that first job probably overworked you, underpaid you, overtired you, and disrespected you more than any other employment since. And there’s a simple reason for that: the type of work it most likely was — PHYSICAL.
Whether you were hurling newspapers from your bike at 5 a.m., mowing lawns during the height of summer, slinging scoops of ice cream to hungry peers after school, or stocking soup cans at your local grocery store, our early employment adventures tend to be mostly unskilled labor, which means moving our bodies around, every which way, for about eight hours a day. And so when we think back on those days, we’re always filled with joy rather than resentment.
This is because the simple fact is, when we’re busy moving around all day, we tend to be happier, and more importantly, healthier. But now, things have changed. We’re successful. We’re movers and shakers. We’re big cheeses and head honchos. We have stock options, corner offices, and bonuses on the way. But the one thing we don’t have is movement.
Sure, we can book a big expensive trip once a year, but we’ve gotta spend our lives parked on our keisters in order to afford it. And therein lies a very serious problem.
The Health Risks of a Sedentary Job
Research has long shown that sitting for extended periods of time, day after day, has been linked to several horrifying health conditions. We’re talking increased blood pressure, higher blood sugar, more body fat, high cholesterol, joint stiffness, poor posture, and not to mention a host of mental health problems as well.
So what’s the answer? Go back to the ice cream shop, landscaping job, paper route, or grocery store? Well, if you can afford it, maybe. But a more realistic answer is to find a way to infuse healthier activities into your sedentary workday. And that’s what we’re here for.
We at Studio SWEAT onDemand are here to help everyone reach their health and fitness goals, so we’ve put together a list of practical tips you can use to bring some healthy habits into your 9–5, typically sedentary job.
Get a Standing or Walking Desk
Our first tip to bring some fitness into your daily routine is to pick yourself up either a standing desk or a treadmill desk. Either one of these is a simple yet highly effective way to increase your steps, and in doing so, your fitness level. There are adjustable models you can buy, so that you can spend half of your day in the sitting position, then crank things up to standing for the rest of the day. The key here is to find a way to effortlessly integrate more movement throughout your day, so much so that you barely notice it.

Stay Hydrated
Another easy tip to staying healthy while at work is to drink copious amounts of water. Buying a big colorful motivation bottle is a simple way to encourage you to get in those ounces throughout the day. These motivational water bottles feature encouraging messages to get you to take one more sip, then another, then another, until you’ve consumed your daily recommended intake. There are even water bottles that actually remind you when you’re due to hydrate!
Take Multiple Mini Breaks
Now we’re not encouraging you to just up and skip out on work (no matter how tempted you may be). No, what we’re saying is to take micro-breaks throughout the day – these could be 5-10 minutes spent walking, moving, doing push-ups, anything you can think of to get that blood flowing. What you also might find is the fact that while you’re getting time moving around, you’ll also find that your mind becomes more clear, so that when you do sit back down to work, you may be able to do so more efficiently!
Sit on an Exercise Ball
If walking during work isn’t for you, even sitting on an unstable exercise ball may be just the thing to keep you moving and grooving all day long. How these work is through the instability your body experiences while sitting on the ball. This requires your core to stay active in order to keep you stable and upright, so your entire core is engaged the whole time you’re seated on that sneaky stability ball.
Sign Up for Studio SWEAT onDemand
And now for our most important tip — getting an All Access Pass with Studio SWEAT onDemand. Let us count the reasons why:
A Huge Library of Classes: We offer our members unlimited access to our exhaustive collection of virtual fitness classes that can be accessed anytime, anywhere, on any device.
Passionate Trainers: Unlike a lot of other platforms out there, our world-class trainers are some of the most inspiring and motivating trainers, capable of energizing you no matter what mood you’re in.
Endless Variety of Classes: By offering countless classes in Indoor Cycling, HIIT, TRX, Kickboxing, Pilates, Yoga, Barre, Body Sculpting, Core, plus Outdoor Workouts, you’ll never get bored of your fitness routine.
Workouts for Every Schedule & Skill Level: With fitness classes as short as 15 minutes or less, you’ve got workouts that can be squeezed into the tightest of schedules. Plus, we offer classes designed for amateurs to fitness experts.
Sweat Parties: Want to get some of your coworkers into the mix? We offer Sweat Parties — interactive fitness classes that can be taken by your entire team virtually, so you can cheer each other on right while the class is happening!
If all this sounds like something you wanna check out, why not jump into our 7-Day Free Trial, featuring a deep-dive into everything we have to offer, at no cost to you, for a whole week! Sign up today, and we promise we’ll make your workday just a bit brighter. Oh yeah, and a whole lot healthier.
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