And now we’ve come to the season of stuffing… and being stuffed, mashed potatoes.. .and stretched belts, green bean casseroles… and food comas. Yes, the holidays are all about gorging ourselves on gorgeous treats — well… seeing family and friends too, but you can do that anytime of year (kidding/not kidding).
But unfortunately for many of us, all of that festive feasting can lead to falling off the fit wagon, feeling bad about that fact, and then falling even further down the hill of food shame. And then inevitably, the ‘this is my January’ recommitment to the gym and healthy eating, and the even-more-inevitable yo-yoing therein. The sad reality for many is that sneaky little snacking around the holidays may lead to some major bad habit snowballing, but it doesn’t have to be that way.
Because here at Studio SWEAT onDemand, we’re all about building healthy relationships with food, not just for the holidays, but all year round. So in case you need a little reminder, we’ve come up with your very own Intuitive Eating Refresher Course — to keep your tummy, and your temper, on track.
Forget the Calories
Let’s get this one out of the way right quick. We know that for some of you, tracking, recording, and cataloging everything you eat down to the last calorie works just fine. If this is you, we’re not gonna stop you! But for many people, this type-A approach is too obsessive and may just be a short-term reaction to the onslaught of gooey goodness coming your way. For some, adopting a strict calorie counting method is a surefire way to ruin every last one of your meals. Instead of actually enjoying what you eat, you’ll be calculating and dissecting every last morsel, and feeling pretty terrible when you accidentally go over your daily limit. Think about whether that’s the case for you or not, and if it is… cut the calorie counting and rather focus on the other tips below.

Sip, Savor, Repeat
One big element in intuitive eating is truly valuing what you eat. If you know you are going to be sitting down to a major feast, make a point to really taste everything. Savor every bite, swish every sip, and appreciate every flavor. When you’re not absentmindedly eating, you’re more likely to consume the amount you need to, and not that much extra.
Listen to Your Body, Listen to Your Feelings
Another important aspect of intuitive eating is to listen to what your body is telling you. Are you hungry right now? Or just bored? Do you need a second helping? Or are you anxious about something else going on in your life? Oftentimes when we eat, we’re trying to fill a gap in our lives, or drown out some kind of external stress that’s affecting us. But when we pay attention to our moods, emotions, and our physical hunger or fullness, it becomes easier to make an accurate judgement on when it’s time to munch. And if you self-assess and find that you are hungry, grab a fork and go to town!
Diet Talk… Go for a Walk
This holiday (and every day) make an effort to eliminate body-negative talk out of your vocabulary. That means turning off all talk about food shame, complaining about your body, regrets about that second helping, and the like. It may not help you reach any of your goals. If you eat something, own it. And if you’re a bit more full than you like, simply remember how you feel and try to do better tomorrow, but do not dwell on the diet.
Don’t Stress
Above all else, remember that this is the holidays! This is a time for fun, warmth, good cheer, and yes… eating yummy food! Try to not overplan, overthink, overeat, overworry, over anything! Flow through your holiday season — eat what you eat, drink what you drink — and smile as much as possible.
Finally, another great way to stay on track with your food intake is to stay on track with your output. That means, your fitness! When we burn it up with a solid workout routine, our bodies just feel healthier, making it that much easier to eat healthier. And to get that fit-feeling from the comfort of home, sign up for a 7-Day Free Trial with Studio SWEAT onDemand. We offer a huge library of streaming fitness classes featuring passionate trainers, endless variety, and a worldwide community of members that always push you to do your best. Try us for a week, and sweat your way through the holidays, and all year long!
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