To eat…or not to eat…that is the question. Whether ‘tis better to listen to the bulky beefcakes on YouTube, or the skinny minnies on Instagram, or even the suave scientists on podcasts galore — when it comes to simple questions surrounding breakfast, does anybody really know the truth?
Well, though it may seem like separating healthy breakfast fact from clickbaity fiction is tougher than understanding Shakespeare’s own toughest verses, it’s not impossible. All you need is a little education, some context, and a few proven pieces of advice from your friends at Studio SWEAT onDemand!
Around these parts, we’re fully invested in helping everyone become their fittest, happiest, healthiest selves ever. And that includes your nutrition! So with that in mind, we’re going to be tucking into some of the most common ideas, myths, facts, and lies surrounding the first meal of the day, to help you decide what is the best breakfast for you, to set you up for success throughout the rest of the day, and basically the rest of your life!
Ready? Let’s eat!
“Breakfast Is the Most Important Meal of the Day”
You’ve heard this. Your parents heard this. Probably their grandparents heard this, too. And for good reason – this appetite adage has been around for ages. And when you think about it, there was definitely a reason for its popularity. Throughout most of human history, a regular supply of food was a rare and blessed thing, often reserved just for the richest groups at the highest rungs of society. But most other common folk had to take food when they could get it, and in the face of long days of working on farms or down deep in coal mines, it more than makes sense that if you had the great fortune to have breakfast in front of you, you went ahead and chowed down. But times have changed, and most of us (thankfully) don’t have to face food insecurity like our ancestors did. But the modern truth as we understand it is that any meal can be the most important meal of your day, depending on factors such as your hunger, activity level, personal preferences, and genetics.
“Skipping Breakfast Leads to Weight Loss”
Now on the other side of the spectrum, we’ve got the intermittent fasting squadron — busting through the gates and planting their flag proudly and deeply anywhere they can. Sure, there’s always truth behind many of these philosophies, but that doesn’t make it the only truth that exists. So let’s break this one down. As with most theories and approaches in food science, there are far too many factors at play – things like an individual’s genetics, metabolic rate, and body type, that make it impossible for a one size fits all approach. So for the breakfast skippers, two things can be true at once. For some of them, skipping the first meal of the day can lead to a decreased caloric intake; but for others, it can set their hunger levels on fire, leading to gorging later on during the day. So the bottom line here is: if you like the feeling of fasting, go for it. And if not, go ahead and break that fast.

“Breakfast Kick Starts Your Metabolism”
Another hard-to-shake idea around breakfast is that it “kick starts” your metabolism, turning your body into a digesting, calorie-burning machine. It’s a nice thought, for sure, but our bodies aren’t quite like that ‘72 Mustang, because you can find several studies citing statistics that both support and reject this theory. In fact, many people find that eating breakfast first thing in the morning actually leads to hunger pangs later that morning! So in summary, approach this one with caution.
“Missing Breakfast Leads to Muscle Loss”
We’re going to nip this one in the bud right now. No, skipping breakfast alone will not lead you to lose all those muscle gains you’ve worked so hard at obtaining. But if skipping breakfast leads to lower caloric intake throughout the day, you will obviously see a decrease in muscle development, and even loss of muscle tissue over time. That’s because, simply put, your body needs fuel with which to build those muscles, and that fuel of course comes from food.
“Several Small Meals Are Better than Fewer Larger Ones”
Ok so this doesn’t apply to breakfast on its own, but it’s so ever-present we thought we’d better address it here. On the surface, eating several small meals is an excellent way to stay satiated throughout the day. And whenever you get a little peckish, you eat a little snack, and keep on moving. Simple, right? Well, yes and no. For some of us, nibbling all day long sounds great, but it’s not for everyone. Many people need a full belly to feel truly satisfied. So if you’re the type that wants a big breakfast to feed your morning, feel free to chow down!
At this point, you may be still asking yourself, “so what is the best time to eat breakfast?” and “what’s the best meal for breakfast?”. Well in case you haven’t noticed, the takeaway message is: everyone’s different! What works for one person may be totally ineffective for another. The important thing is that you should always listen to your body – pay attention to the way it feels and performs when eating at different times, consuming different amounts, etc.
But if you still need extra guidance, why not get the support you need with a 7-Day Free Trial with your friends at Studio SWEAT onDemand? We are the go-to virtual fitness platform, with tons of amazing tools to get you to smash your goals. Some of these are our huge library of online fitness classes, featuring the biggest variety you’re gonna find, and all taught by the most passionate trainers anywhere. We’ve also got our Next-Level Membership, which gives you access to 21-day guided fitness and nutrition programs designed to push you further than ever before.
Sign up today — we’ll give you the tools to work up a sweat, and earn that big breakfast!
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