It’s the same exercise. WHAT!?!
When performed properly, the deadlift is easily one of the best total body, glute toning, core strengthening and posture improving exercises around! However, done wrong and you can be in a world of hurt.
Studio SWEAT onDemand’s founder and trainer Cat Kom and model Sidekick Bethany meet up with Ben Deluca from Kinetic Impact to discuss perfect form, benefits and the progressions that lead up to executing the ideal deadlift.
A deadlift starts by standing behind your weight/barbell with your feet hip-width apart, bending your knees slightly while grounding your weight in your heels. As easy as this may sound, various mistakes can happen, which can restrain you from achieving your best results and even injure you so be focused. By following this video and reading this guide, we can help you achieve your best deadlift!
Mistakes to avoid when performing a deadlift include rounding your back or overarching your lower back. If these mistakes occur, then your chances of spinal injuries, pulls and strains skyrocket. Also, when doing this exercise remember that all motion should be coming from the hips. You flex, then you extend from there. You know you’ve flexed enough at the hips when your hands get slightly below your knee caps. For those who are flexible, resist the urge of hitting a stretch reflex! This is a lift, not a stretch!
On the topic of weights… if you’re used to picking up lighter weights, take on a challenge by grabbing something a bit heavier so you load the lift properly. For those who are experiencing trouble in mastering that perfect-form deadlift, don’t fret! There are various regressions and even progressions to be able to do a deadlift in its traditional form. We cover those in this video, as well as ways to advance beyond the normal deadlift for those that really want to spice it up.
Watch the video in full to see videos on deadlift regressions, progressions, perfect form and more! And, to get your hands on more trainer tip videos, go here!:
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